Last night I couldn't straighten my left middle finger. I slept with it like this ALL NIGHT LONG!
But don't cry for me Argentina. Membership has it's privileges! I was able to do the "rock on" sign!
And since my middle finger on my right hand wouldn't bend, it made for a mean game of "paper rock scissors"!
Some of my top reasons on why having RA can be cool!
1. I'm pretty sure I qualify for a handicap sticker for my car. hmmmm..I still need to look into that!
2. My husband gets to scrub the tub.
3. People carry things for me.
4. If Reese wakes up in the middle of the night Trav changes her and brings her to me! Love you babe!
5. People always offer me the most comfortable seat for my tush!
6. I never have to open my own water bottle. I'm kind of like a celebrity!
7. I can squeeze shampoo out of the bottle with my hip and the shower wall. (Letterman keeps wanting me to come but I just don't think it's appropriate!)
8. If I can't stand up on my own, someone will pick me up....thanks again babe!
9. Old arthritic people dig me!
10. It's taught me patience...kind of!
Stay tuned for a future post when I show off my lovely toes and the circus act they are!