Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More Pregnancy Ramblings

What am I going to do with these two little nuggets? I just love them to pieces! Their world is about to change with one more on the way and I just might go CrAzY!!!

Here are my daily thoughts:

1. Could my thighs get any bigger? I think not!
2. Will Reese throw the biggest tantrums ever when her brother comes? Most certainly!
3. To bunk bed the girls or trundle them and when?
4. I'm NOT ready for my girls to share a room. NOT ready!
5. I wish the toy room would magically transform itself the way I envision it. I don't have the energy.
6. laundry laundry laundry laundry laundry
7. Could the same fairy who does my toy room mop my floors as well? My back is shot!
8. Is it possible to get this pregnancy weight off in time for July Hawaii trip?
9. I just adore my Jessie right now. Can't believe she will be headed to Kindergarten!
10. Please be a good baby boy. Please please please!
11. Baby ultrasound says he's big. LOVE big babies! Moved due date to end of March!
12. I need to take the bottle away from Reese this month. Can't believe I still have her on that.
13. There are 4 gallons of ice cream in my freezer that is suppose to be for a primary activity but it's calling my name. They won't know will they? (hence the big thighs....frown).
14. I swear I wear the same thing every day.
15. The hospital just changed the rules and my girls will get to come see their brother there.
16. This is it for us. Don't you think Trav should be the one to get "fixed"?
17. They just made Trav the YM Pres. AGAIN! I hate getting us all ready for church in the morning while he's at meetings!
18. I'm ready for the sun to shine on my deformed toes in my flip flops. I still need to post about my toes. They really are awful! don't stare!
19. If I get stretch marks in these last few weeks, this baby is in HUGE trouble.
20. I think Tiger should show up for the Masters. You know, just for kicks!
21. Oh, and is it just me or has the Kardashian mom had too much plastic surgery?


Lena Baron said...

Good to hear from you!! I can relate to several of those ramblings... uggg! Good Luck!!

Unknown said...

i love it when you blog too :)
i can relate to everything you wrote--especially about the thighs. i will be thinking happy thoughts for you and your new little one!
go for the bunk bed.

Brammer Family said...

Oh Jill. Jill. Jill. Jill.

I am especially feelin' for ya on the whole Sunday morning thing. SO SORRY. I don't enjoy Sunday's anymore, what so ever. :( Stay strong!I know it sucks. Ugh, I hate Sunday's.

Peggy said...

I can't for even one second believe you have fat thighs. Even pregnant.

And I'll bet my Sunday mornings are worse than yours.

Hang in there! You're getting close!

L and T said...

boys are cake....usually
why does reese leave clips in?

Rachel said... totally crack me up! Although I don't believe you for a second. I'm sure my non-prego thighs are bigger than your 9 month prego thighs! Make Trav get fixed. My hubby got fixed--his 2 day recovery was much better than my 3 week recovery would have been! Hang in there! (:

Amy said...

Keep the ramblings coming...I love it. It's good to know that I am not the only crazy feeling mom out there and I don't even have the excuse of being prego. So excited for your family. You will most certainly be missed in San Diego.

Jack Roberts said...

I am so glad that you found my blog. My goodness, I can't believe you are about to have a baby! Crazy! I moved Harry and Everett into the same room when Harry was 5 months and I was dreading it. But, you wouldn't believe how well they do. They play before bed and when they wake up, the best thing ever. They are also really used to each others noises so when one wakes up it doesn't wake up the other. Try it, it might not be too bad. Seriously, loved your list. I have a Ginourmous one as well. Ah, Love it! (NOT!)

melissa said...

#6. It's about to get worse, my dear. Much much much worse.

#14. Me too.

#15. No fair! I'm really jealous of this one.

tara said...

tiger should come back an kick some ARSE! i suppose i shouldn't still root for him but i can't help myself.

the kardashian mother is just ONE more bad plastic surgery away from officially being the joker. bad. bad. bad. not that i'd ever indulge in such trashy television viewing. it's all PBS all the time in this house.:)

i do wish you'd blog more my dear. you always manage to entertain:)

Kelly said...

I am dying of laughter!! I miss you!!

Hilton Cowboys said...

thighs... whatever- notice NO recent pictures on my pregnant blog!
bunk beds... you will DIE laughing when you listen to their conversations at night!
send over your "fairy" when you're done with her...
and don't talk to me about the laundry- I make my kids stay in their church clothes ALL day Sunday just so I don't have to wash an extra outfit!