Sunday, November 2, 2008


Okay, so I love Halloween time but when the day finally comes I AM SO DONE! And apparently so was Jessie.

She was a witch for all of our "festivities", dance class, preschool, family parties, scavenger hunts...BUT, Halloween day she wakes up and tells me she doesn't like witches and wants to be Tinkerbell! What a horrible mom I am because I didn't take one picture of her being Tinkerbell, maybe because she's usually her once a day at some point! Oh, and poor little Reese Marie, no pics of her in her butterfly costume.

Do I hear it? Yeah, there it is........"LOOOOOOSER MOOOOOOOOOOM!"

Oh well, brink on THANKSGIVING!


M+J=K3+E said...

Too cute and no you are not a loser mom. Sometimes pics are hard to come by!!!

Peggy said...

I guess it's a good thing you had a tinkerbell costume on hand...

melissa said...

OH Jill...I have a looser mom story for you. It's a bit long. Please bear with me, in order to make yourself feel better.

Dad and Kaden went to the jewelry store. Dad let Kaden pick out a piece of jewelry for Mom's birthday all on his own. Mom opened the gift (which Dad prefaced with the fact that he would personally not be offended if she returned it). Mom opened the silver, diamond-lined, swirly heart necklace. Mom smiled, gave Kaden a big hug & a thanks, and then EXCHANGED IT for something she liked better.

I never knew Kaden would sadly go on and on about his 'heart necklace' and how he liked it better. And "why didn't you keep the heart?" I think I broke HIS heart. And the worst part?! I lied by saying it didn't fit so I HAD to return it.

Moral of the story, never return a gift from your child no matter how "not you" it is. Even if it's really expensive. I'm tearing up now.


The end.

Kelly said...

There will be plenty more Halloween costumes to take cute pictures of! You are an awesome mom!!

Rachel said...

You are NOT a loser Mom!!!! She looks so cute in her witch costume. I forgot to take pictures of Ansityn's 3rd birthday party. Who does that?????

June said...

Loose, shmooooser, what ever! We're lucky, we get to see Reese Marie every day and Jessie too, in any character she's choosing for the moment. Love that witch costume though. Love ya....MOM

wermakingmemories said...

That is the cutest witch ever!

Cordell and McCall said...

You are not a loser mom! She looks beautiful! I am so overbearing with pics that my kids get sooooo annoyed with me and my hubby just tells me to chill and let them be lol~! Don't you love halloween and the kids wanting to be something different every day of the month lol! Love the pics!! Looks like you had a great time! love ya!

Aimee Hardy said... I think you need to stage a post-Halloween costume shoot at least of Reese in her butterfly outfit. She's got fans.

Hilton Cowboys said...

I have a great idea....... just take a picture of "tinkerbell" today, I won't tell anyone!

Kris said...

What an adorable little witch you have!!!

Rania said...

It's pretty cool that she had options. That counts as being a good mom.

Carnan said...

Re. no pictures of Reese Marie's costume: These are your options: dress her up today and take a picture (if you choose this option, don't wait too long or you'll risk Christmas decorations in the background and I promise you,they'll figure that one out), totally blow this time off but feel bad about the next time - oh, yes, there will be a next time. . .trust me, and finally, feel really bad about this time (you know, journal about it, have pictures taken of you mourning, etc.) and blow off the next time, because, oh, yes, there will be a next time. . . trust me.