Sunday, November 1, 2009

ramblings of a pregnant mom

Why? Why your butt AND thighs? I understand the belly, kinda like it. But REALLY, must the other things go as well?

Didn't my body just do this? Why yes, yes it did!

I swear I was never this tired before. Not this early. Is something wrong with me? I could sleep ALL day EVERY day.

I just ate. I'm talking I just ate a ton. I could keep going. I honestly have to make myself stop.

UGGGHHH the maternity clothes! I so don't want to buy new ones. There is no possible way that my maternity clothes from Jessie are going to fly. They weren't cute then, they're not cute now. I HATE spending money on maternity clothes..HATE IT...HATE IT I SAY!

Do you think it's a boy? What would we do? We've never had a boy before. We would have to buy cars, trucks, dinosaurs.

NO WAY is it a boy. We only have girls.

What will we name her? I'm only thinking of "J" names. What if we name her a "J" name? Then Reese would feel left out, we don't want that. Oh, she wouldn't care. Or would she?

What if they still won't let kids come to the hospital come delivery time? I think it will crush me to not have them come meet their new bro/sis at the hospital. We won't have that hospital picture all scrunched together on my hospital bed. I would like the quiet though, quiet is nice.

For SURE it's a girl.

Arthritis is doing better. What if it went away FoReVeR? Oh, what a glorious thing that would be. Maybe I can think it away.

I can feel the baby move. I always love that.

oooohhhh, I still don't feel 100%. When will the nausea be gone for good? I'm really missing my PB&J's.

What will I do while Trav is hunting? FOR A WEEK! I might die of exhaustion. Something IS wrong with me. I'm just soooo tired.

I love the baby stage. So cute. So little. So innocent.

Oh, if it's a girl she could wear those darling booties Peggy made me. Love those. hmmmm where are those?

Who is going to share a room? Jessica/Reese? Reese/baby? Jessica/baby? Baby/us?

2 kids in cribs? I WILL not buy another crib. 2 kids in diapers. I WILL be buying tons of diapers.

Is this really it? Is our family really going to be complete? I think it just might. It feels good. Really good. Exciting good. Next chapter of our lives good.


M+J=K3+E said...

Well, you have hit many things that are on my mind as well :) But, I am positive your body looks so much better than mine and I am only 10 wks. Good luck, can't wait to see what you are having :)

Peggy said...

All those thoughts sound all too familiar. I'm sure they all ran through my head at one point too. Doesn't it seem like your mind goes a million miles an hour while you're pregnant?

I can't wait to find out what you're having!

Bryan and Dayna said...

how far apart of reese and this baby??? I think everything will be great for you!!!

Shafferprincess said...

Right there with you, only my due date is in five days!! And, I'm still tired. And, my mind still goes a million miles an hour, except when I'm so tired that everything shuts down!

On the upside, you'll figure things out! And you'll find the perfect name, and if it is a boy, you'll be in heaven buying cars and trucks and dino's. It's fun!

Much more fun to shop for girl clothes than for boy clothes, though.

Good luck with the nausea! :)

Renee Shaffer

Rachel said...

My guess is it's a boy. I could not get enough food when I was pregnant with Stockton. I even had to wake up in the middle of the night to eat! Yep--it's a boy. ( :

Taneill said...

You are so cute! I am so excited to find out what you are having. And if you think you are tired now just wait till you have three little ones to take care of! :)

melissa said...

I thought I was tired too.
Now, I'm really tired.
And that's all I can say.
Because I'm so tired.

L and T said...

you are an open book today, I love it.
splurge on a few size 0 outfits that will fit your entire 9 months.
put 1 baby in a portable crib and don't feel bad about it, they'll never remember, Pierce turned out just far.

tara said...

you didn't mention the girls. the twins. the boobages.

three totally did them in.

Unknown said...

Hey- You could always borrow one of MY two cribs:)

Unknown said...
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Hailey said...

We did two cribs and loved it. Ours were 18 months apart---I'm not sure what Reese and the new baby are, but we went back and forth and I'm still glad we did two cribs. I loved all your ramblings and can't wait to see what you're having!!

Hilton Cowboys said...

ditto- but Im scared to have a girl this time...not boy.

Hilton Cowboys said...

oh- and I don't believe in the two crib thing... with my first two we bought bunk beds and Kort moved into the top bed (but on the floor) so it had rails all around it- then when Tristen was ready for a bed we already had it. It worked out perfectly so we did it again for this time.

dawn inga said...

How lame am I that this is news to me! Congratulations! Boys rock! You are going to have so much fun. The biggest difference between boys and girls... sound effects. Boys have an inate ability to make sound effects. It is so COOL! You are going to love it. They actually speak it as a language. I can't even tell you the last time Jeffrey spoke an entire sentence without using some kind of sound-replacing-a-word. I am so excited for you!