Friday, August 8, 2008

Jack's Journey

We have some good friends that just had their first baby! Little Jackson Hardy was born Tuesday with Hyposplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a rare congenital heart defect affecting the left ventrical and aorta. What a courageous baby boy and family. We were able to go to Primary Childrens yesterday and see him. He looks so perfect! He and his parents have overwhelmed us with their strength and faith. They are truly witnessing a miracle! Jackson had open heart surgery today and everything went as well as can be expected but he still needs prayers. Please find room in your prayers for Jackson and his family.


Holly said...

Oh man. I've been following another little girl with the same thing. It's my cousin's niece. Have your friend read It's pretty miraculous/emotional/and every other emotion you can think of.

Jill said...

they already follow that little girl and I have been as well. Gracie is so sweet.

Unknown said...

I checked out their blog the other day, they seem like great people. I was going to leave a comment on their blog but I thought they might get worried about some stranger leaving comments. As far as my blog goes, I have really been wanting to update, but I guess I'm in a dry spell...I can't think of anything to say!

Unknown said...

oh yeah, and I love that picture of your family.

Cordell and McCall said...

We would love to pray and fast for lilttle Jackson! How heartbreaking! They are truly amazing people. What a couragous and faithful example! To try to get through something so difficult and full of so many emotions would be so overwhelming! What a tough lil guy! Our hearts, thoughts and prayers are with them!!!

melissa said...


A family in our ward has a baby with this condition, though I don't know them very well. I try to follow their blog (and other babies they have met through this). It makes you downright grateful. And some posts just make you cry. He is five months old now. If you are interested in looking. Best wishes to your friend and their family.

Kelly said...

I can't imagine going through a trial like that with one of my kids! I am sure they are amazing.