Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My life right now in a nutshell!

What?: been without dairy (milk, eggs, soy, butter) for 5 days now. Dying for a bowl of cereal and ice cream. Oh, and apple crisp topping. Oh, and chocolate..the list goes on!

Why?: Reese has blood in her poop.

Why?: Has breast milk colitis!

What?: A reaction to the protein found in cows milk.

What to do?: Have to give up dairy or switch to a special formula $$$$$$

What else?: Getting a giant cyst taken out in a couple of weeks.

Why?: Because it's huge and it's a cyst!

Scared?: Heavens yes! Never been put out before.

More?: Arthritis is kicking my can.

Still have a DARLING family?: Absolutely YES!


Kimberly said...

Ummm PARDON ME...I'm your sister and I didn't know about no stinking cyst...what the H*** Jill, yea that's right what the H***?????
Maybe you should call me and fill me in....better yet...I'm going to call you right now!

Jill said...

Kim, You were too busy planning a wedding, you don't remember anything silly.

Fam in Real Life said...

Ohhh man! Hang in there Jill. Lots of Prayers coming your way and for Reese too. Lors

Kelly said...

You poor thing! I am so sorry.
"How bout a hug"?
Very appropriate dumb and dumber quote!

Rachel said...

Holy crap, Jill! I'm so sorry! My friend had both of her girls allergic to cow's milk. The good news is they both grew out of it by about 1 year old. Maybe there's hope????

M+J=K3+E said...

SO SORRY Jill. I hope is all works out. If you need any help when your cyst is taken out, let me know. Do you care if I link you? I have fun learning more about you :) I would love to get together and get to know you more :) You seem like such a cute/fum girl!!!

Marianne said...

Yuck, I know how that is. I couldn't have any dairy with Julie or Megan so nursing ending sooner than later. It was brutal. Hang in there. Good news, both my girls did grow out of it by the time they were a year.

Charity said...

I know you have all your family, but if you need anything I am always available!! love ya!

Peggy said...

Hope you both feel better soon! Let me know when I can bring you some ice cream!

Jill said...

okay everyone. I'm not on my death bed! I just want a blackberry shake REALLY BAD!!!

Wildingkids said...

Im gonna have to look for some dairy free icecream (if that's even possible) and make you a shake!

Hope all goes well soon, we love you a ton!

melissa said...

MEN invented breastfeeding, WOMAN invented the bottle. I'm with the woman all the way!

Send little Jessica over here to play with us on our new playset. We'll take her for a day while you work out your milk cravings.

What's up with the cyst? Where? We need more details, Jill.

I'm serious about taking Jessie.

Unknown said...

whatever "i'm not dying".
i would be on my death bed if i couldn't have dairy.

dude--that really sucks. poor little reese. poor you! ouch!
what kind of formula does she drink now? i have lots of formula coupons and stuff. coupons are my world right now, especially if they are for any type of baby product.

anyway, i would love to help you out. not sure how. do you think jessie would like to come play some time? i could just come by and pick her up for a couple hours then drop her off again. i know she doesn't really know me or hollynd but this could be a great time as any for them to start singing out window sills paging woodland creatures to tidy-up the rooms in my house whilst wearing sequins and bows.

what do you say?

melissamarchant said...

Jill, we know you aren't dieing but what the crap - that is all awful!! I really want to do something to help!! Zach had the same reaction at about 12 weeks and outgrew it at about 6 months. Ya, I'm with ya, it SUCKED big time!!! I'm so sorry! I will have to call you to give you my sympathies in person. Love you!

Unknown said...

Jill, we HAVE to figure out what non-dairy treats you can have. This is SERIOUS!! Man, between you and me, we are pathetic losers! But seriously, thanks so much for all your help with my kids, when I get better I owe you big time! And the minute you can have dairy we are having a girl party at Leatherbys!

trishcook said...

Keep up the great attitude Jill, you are amazing!! I honestly don't know how you do it!! If you need anything, I may be farther away then most, but I'm always willing to help out with whatever you may need!! Love you all!!

Cordell and McCall said...

I am so sorry! I had a cyst taken out too! It is no big deal and you will be relieved when it is gone! Our prayers are with all of you! Hang in there! We love you!

Ashleigh said...

Oh Jill! All I say is that so many people around me right right now are making my life look so bright! Too much hardship, difficulties and sadness right now. I'm so sorry you! We'll see you soon.

Marianne said...

Well eating was hard. I only last for 4 months with Julie and stopped nursing Megan at 5 months. I put them on soy formula and they seemed to do fine. I basically just started giving them cow's milk at a year and they seemed to be okay by then.

Mandy said...

I had to have a huge cyst taken out when I was on my first round of fertility drugs. Is it on your ovaries? Good luck. Also, I will eat a bowl of Leatherby's in your honor.


I'm sorry you are having such a hard time. Hang in there. Let me know if you need anything!

Tami said...

Wow - that would be hard!!