Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My Jessie!

I rocked as a mom last weekend! Discovery Gateway Friday night and Gardner Village Saturday afternoon with Grandma. Even though Jessie's shirt said "mostly sunny", it should have read "thunderstorms likely"!


Saturday, September 27, 2008

Discovery Gateway

We Went
We Loved It
We Recommend It
The End

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Reese Marie

Little Reese Marie is 3 MONTHS OLD today! I can't believe it! Where has the time gone? She is such a good baby, just as I requested. We couldn't love her more!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I've been tagged!

(this should be titled: 8 tv shows I wish I got to watch)
John and Kate Plus 8
Biggest Loser
Dancing With The Stars
King of Queens
What Not To Wear
okay, honestly, I really can't think of 8

Market Street
Oh shoot, I don't know, just give me some food!

Got showered & ready for the day while BOTH my girls were still sleeping (this never happens).
Took Jessie Kate to preschool.
Looked at a house to see if we would like it....but didn't (what is with people and their awful taste).
Nursed Reese in the backseat of my moms car (always interesting)
Looked online for a diaper bag
Gave Reese a bath
Watched the end of Dancing With The Stars

Finding a new home
Finding a new car
Celine Dion concert (moms bday gift to me and her)
A blackberry shake from Rileys
Taking my cute little family to see the witches at Gardner Village
Finding that perfect pair of pants

The shoes I want from Eddie Bauer that are out of my size (of course)

Friday, September 19, 2008

A Welcome Change

Jessie is my "princess"! She loves everything about them. You could say she is obsessed! Lately we've had modesty issues. It's amazing that a 3 year old can be so consumed about what is modest and what isn't. The other day while we were sitting outside she said, "mom, why do we have to be modest?" I went on to tell her that we need to cover our body and that it makes me and Heavenly Father happy. She nodded in agreement and then went on to say. "Mom, I'm going to be modest, I'm going to make Santa happy!" Boy, whoever it takes I'll tell ya!

This past week a welcome change has come into our home. Pollyana! Do you remember this fun show? I loved it growing up. Nana checked it out at the library for her a week ago and she is loving it. Finally, something for her to watch that I don't need to worry about what half naked fashion statement she is going to make out of it. Here she is in what she calls her "Pollyana" outfit ( I think mostly because of the yellow ribbon) watching the movie and helping me make a yummy treat!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

My life right now in a nutshell!

What?: been without dairy (milk, eggs, soy, butter) for 5 days now. Dying for a bowl of cereal and ice cream. Oh, and apple crisp topping. Oh, and chocolate..the list goes on!

Why?: Reese has blood in her poop.

Why?: Has breast milk colitis!

What?: A reaction to the protein found in cows milk.

What to do?: Have to give up dairy or switch to a special formula $$$$$$

What else?: Getting a giant cyst taken out in a couple of weeks.

Why?: Because it's huge and it's a cyst!

Scared?: Heavens yes! Never been put out before.

More?: Arthritis is kicking my can.

Still have a DARLING family?: Absolutely YES!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Fall is in the air!!!

I love fall! Who doesn't love wearing sweaters and putting pumpkins on their doorstep?! When this cooler weather starts to come I can't help but make one of my favs....apple crisp. Give this recipe a try. I actually double it because it's so scrumptious and I can't help but eat half of it before I actually bake it. Heck, let's be honest, sometimes it doesn't get baked at all because we devour it! I like to make loads of it and stick it in the freezer and eat it right out of the freezer bag. I'm starting to salivate just thinking about it. Okay, here it is.

2 cups brown sugar
1 1/3 cups flour
1 1/3 cups oatmeal (the quick oats kind)
2 teaspoons cinnamon
1 teaspoon nutmeg
16 tablespoons of butter (I know, I know, don't think about it, just do it)

sprinkle over apples, peaches, whatever and bake for 30 minutes at 350

Oh yes, another thing I like to do with it is put some in a bowl, microwave it and plop some ice cream on.


On a side note: Is it bad when your 3 year old skips to time out?

Friday, September 5, 2008

Talk nicely

Don't you love the "sayings" your kids pick up from you? The other night at the dinner table the adults were talking, I don't remember what about, but Jessie shook her head and said "HONESTLY"! I guess I say that and it's something she's picked up on. She's really starting to talk to Reese the way we do. The other day I could hear her in the other room saying, "hello my dear" and "dos you gots a full tummy?" SO CUTE! Although, I do remember a time when I was trying to paint her toes quickly before church and spilling the polish on the carpet and saying "Oh H*$#!" and she muttered that right back to me! GASP! Since then we really have to be careful about what we say. One of her favorite words is "perfect". I say it to her all the time. "No honey, let's wear that dress, it fits you perfectly", or "Perfect, that's how you do it "! So around our house this week, we have a new saying "I love you perfectly". Oh melt my heart! I love it. The picture below is one that Jessie took of me yesterday after preschool. She wanted to take a picture of me wearing the bracelet she made there. Thank you Jessie Kate, I love you PERFECLTY!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

All Grown Up!

Our little Jessie Kate started preschool today! She was so excited and kept asking if it was time to go. I was so proud of her. As I was buckling her in to go she said, "you're being a good mom". I said, "I am?", and she said "yes, you're obeying". Too cute!

Here she is striking a pose for her first day of school! No, I didn't make her pose like that, that's all her!